What are the Best Foods to Gain Muscle Mass?

The main key is to consume proteins, which are, in some way, the bricks that make up our muscles.
-Lean meat. This type of meat provides a large amount of high protein quality and a high level of amino acids that work are the insulin in our bodies to promote muscle growth. In addition, this type of meat provides 10 essential nutrients (zinc, vitamins, iron…) with very little fat.
-Chicken or Turkey. These white meat contain very little fat and are an incredible source of high quality protein that promote muscle repair after exercise.
-Tuna. This fish is high in protein, low in fat and very rich in Omega 3, which favor fat loss and ensure the proper functioning of the metabolism of the body.
-Oats. Although proteins are fundamental to gain muscle mass, carbohydrates of oats are perfect for this, since a low glycemic index that causes a greater satiety, reduces appetite and favors fat loss. In addition, it provides fiber and nutrients for our body.Find More Customized Fat Loss Review
-Whole grains such as brown rice. The way you need our body to digest these foods is more efficient than refined grains. In addition, brown rice can increase the levels of the growth hormone, to stimulate muscle growth and fat loss.
-Eggs. This small food much feared by those who suffer from cholesterol high provides 9 essential amino acids and are an incredible source of high quality protein.
-Ricotta or Cottage cheese. This type of cheese is protein of virtually pure casein, a type of protein of slow digestion that favors muscle maintenance. In addition, it provides calcium and vitamin B12
-Fruits and vegetables. Although they are not proteins, are a source of amazing antioxidants and vitamins that boost the immune system, as well as fiber, which helps to eliminate substances that the body does not need.
-The healthy fats, i.e., that they found in fish such as salmon, nuts and Avocados. These fats play an essential role in the production of the hormones responsible for muscle growth and strength.Do not forget that with the help of these foods to gain muscle mass is needed a workout that promotes such growth.

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