Kyle Leon Shared If you don’t eat, Sleep: the effect of Diets


ou stop eating, you sleep. It seems contradictory, but it is not; eating badly sometime after ignoramus more or eat between meals, which not lose weights, but quite the opposite. Hence, that 50% of women suffer overweight or obese, when 80% of them have done diet at some point.

Foundation ABB – institution that tries to prevent eating disorders and obesity, bulimia or anorexia-warns of this too common fact that not only frustrates the women when it comes to skipping a meal and, contrary to what you want, stop gaining weight, but it puts in danger the health of adults, children and especially teenagers.

The explanation is easy: the society shows us a physical model that is not identified with the reality. We feel fat and went to restrictive diets, most unhealthy, we carry out without any kind of medical regulation. We skip meals or we deprive of important food, which brings us to recover them within hours, to chop more account and even doubling the intake by anxiety for the hunger. The result is clear: more kilos gained than lost.Follow This Approach Customized Fat Loss Review

Why the ABB Foundation recommends us to follow the following tips in order to take care of both your health and your body.

Tips to not get fat

To not gain weight should eat. The best way to maintain a proper and healthy weight in the medium and long term is not go hungry, make 5 meals a day and maintain a varied and balanced diet.Do not skip meals. This triggers a series of reactions in the brain that cause the desire to eat food caloric as fats and sugars.Food does not solve the problems. There are many people who give them to eat in situations that have nothing to do with real hunger, boredom, heartbreak and sadness. That will not solve our problems, but it will add one more if we do not control the weight.Don’t make a case of advertising and fake models. The food industry is enriched getting fat and slimming people.Take care of yourself. In addition to a balanced diet, get moderate daily exercise, sleep at least eight hours, and get what is necessary for your body and mind feel good.

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